Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Design guidance for structural steelwork

25 Jul 2007 By James Stagg
The headache of incomplete design information is to be addressed by a guidance document to save structural steelwork engineers expensive late design variations.
The British Constructional Steelwork Association (BCSA) has worked alongside the Association for Consultancy and Engineering (ACE) to develop a checklist of responsibilities for steelwork design projects. It is currently in talks with the Health & Safety Executive (HSE) regarding endorsement.
The Allocation of Design Responsi-bilities in Constructional Steelwork Projects is being drafted under the supervision of a steering group made up of main contractors, consultant engineers, structural engineers, the Steel Construction Institute (SCI) and insurers.

Marion Rich, director of legal and contractual affairs at the BCSA, said: "Steelwork contractors don't always receive all the information they require, for example, loading or sizing. They then have to make design decisions and calculations and there is an obvious cost associated with this."
Campbell Gillan, group managing director at steelwork contractor and fabricator Watson Towers, welcomed the initiative.
"Information that filters through to contractors sometimes leaves a lot to be desired. Currently, if you have a problem you have to go back to the drawing board and it can take time and money to get everyone together.
"If problems can be resolved at an early stage, then it will be better for everyone."
The document is due to be published in the autumn.


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